Mediterranean Harvest For Life
Enjoy life more. Enjoy more life.

Mediterranean Harvest For Life Trapezoid
The MHFL Trapezoid provides a handy reference guide to help quickly identify healthy foods and those foods that should be avoided. This valuable guidance encourages looking at food as fuel. It is constructed in a "Stop Light" manner, with a Green section highlighting foods to include most often in our diets; a Yellow section highlighting additioal foods that would be good to include in a diet; and a Red section of foods to avoid.
It also focuses on foods that can help you fill-up without filling out. It underscores those foods helpful to diabetics.
NOTE: MHFL and MHFL material do not provide medical advice, rather they only summarize and package insights derived from research findings. Regarding managing health, people should always consult a physician for healthcare advice.

MHFL H.E.L.P (Healthy Eating & Living Plan)
Because we recognize dietary transitions are difficult, Mediterranean Harvest For Life is providing this handy HELP (Healthy Eating & Living Plan). HELP offers tips from insights published by experts to help you in your migration to a new eating regimen. Mediterranean Harvest For Lifeâ„¢ is simply a resource that packages published insights that advocate the Mediterranean style of eating.
Mediterranean-style eating helps people experience the joy of tasty, healthy foods -- versus trading away health and joy with processed and modified foods.
Mediterranean-style eating will not only help you improve your health, it will help you live longer and enjoy your friends and loved ones more.
This MHFL website and its content constitute neither a nutritional plan nor nutritional advice -- rather these resources serve as a source of published insights on Mediterranean-style eating. To get nutrition expertise you should always consult a dietician, nutritionist or physician.

MHFL Functional Foods Document
Catherine Collins, chief dietitian at St George's Hospital, South London, indicated in London Times that the Mediterranean diet is the ultimate functional diet, with fruit and vegetables, whole-grain cereals, carbs, a modest amount of meat, olive oil and oily fish. "If pursued, there's no need for (artificially =enhanced) functional foods."
Click here for The Best Of All Functional Foods document
to check out the functional food benefits in the Mediterranean Harvest For Life dietary regimen.
With all the focus today on the health merits of "Functional Foods" -- which involve manufacturers adding "enhancements" into their foods -- it's important to know the pure Mediterranean style of eating has been assessed as the ultimate in Functional Foods. Mediterranean style of eating doesn't involve those highly processed foods found in a typical diet. It entails pure foods that, when eaten in combination, make a huge, virtually unmatched, contribution to health.
A contributor to the WebMD website has also noted, there's a "Divine Mix" at play with the Mediterranean dietary regimen. "Olive oil plays a central role, but it is not alone," says Dimitrios Trichopoulos, MD, PhD, of Harvard School of Public Health.
"It's among the divine mix of several factors that, when used in combination, help provide strong evidence of something that is very important -- eating the proper diet can significantly reduce your risk of early death. God knows what sorts of interactions take place within the foods, and we need further research to pinpoint them exactly," Trichopoulos told WebMD.
Independent nutrition experts have equated the value of moving to MHFL with the removal of trans fats from our food system in terms of potential health impact.

MHFL Nutrition Facts Reference Guide
MHFL encourages everyone to think of our bodies as a complex machines that need the best grade of fuel to run well, go the extra mile, keep repair costs to a minimum and last a long time.
Many of us also need to plan our food selections not only to benefit from all the "High Octane," highly functional foods but also use Fuel Efficient foods to lower our caloric intake overall and reduce our intake of dirty or lower octane fuels.
Ideally, we should all eat a higher concentration of foods that are composed of less calories than grams in order to feel full without filling out. Among other details, MHFL's Nutrition Facts Reference Guide identifies the calorie counts and the grams for a equivalent serving sizes. This guidance will also help us migrate away from empty and high calorie eating to lower calorie foods. Click here for the MHFL Nutrition Facts Reference Guide.
Our weight can adversely impact our health. Carrying around a bigger belly than we need can result in increased risk for a range of sicknesses. And unfortunately, many of us are in the category of needing to shed a few pound. Or we just want to take steps to avoid adding pounds as we age and get less active. Either way, the challenge of losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight can be a real battle for some people. MHFL's Nutrition Facts Reference Guide can help people win this battle.

USDA Farmers Market Locator
"Farm-to-Table" cooking is one of the best ways to enjoy optimum nutrition and wonderful tastes, and a local farmer's market can help you achieve this important dietary solution-
Click the link below to access the USDA Farmer's Market Search Database to find a Farmer's Market in your area.