Mediterranean Harvest For Life
Enjoy life more. Enjoy more life.

Mediterranean Harvest For Life Community Support
Mediterranean Harvest For Life has been engaged by a range of community organizations to educate their constituents on Mediterranean style eating as "evidence-based nutrition in healthcare." MHFL resources are available to support organizations interested in advocating healthy eating among their constituents.

Newark Museum "Generation Fit" Exhibit
Newark Museum contracted MHFL to provide education, food sampling and catering to its breakthrough "Generation Fit." The Museum marketed the session as "Take your MEDS" -- MEDS referring to the health impacts of Mediterranean-style of eating in combating virtually all chronic illnesses.

YMCA Children's Summer Health Fair
Based upon the popularity and success of a MHFL event in a major city venue, MHFL was engaged by a YMCA to educate children on healthy eating habits. MHFL demonstrated a fun-loving and very healthy "Mr. Banana Head," with nuts, apples and "Plumamazins" comprising the facial features.
The children answered challenging questions like, "What are the first three letters in NUTrition?"

Hartford Senior Wellness Center Healthcare Exhibit
After supporting the Hartford, CT, Senior Wellness Center with multiple "lunch & learn" educational sessions on the health impacts of Mediterranean-style of eating and the Mediterranean Harvest For Life dietary regimen, MHFL was invited to also participate in the community-wide Hartford Health Expo held in the same venue.

St. Matthew Church, Tolland, CT
Because social justice teaching encourages people to: Act on an issue such helping someone suffering an illness... Reflect on the root cause of the issue... and Transform the situation by addressing the root cause; Mediterranean Harvest For Life has been working with St. Mattew Parish to introduce healthier options along side coffee and donuts each weekend following Masses.